Arabic For Dummies

Arabic for dummies

Arabic For Dummies ( audio book )

Arabic For Dummies presents the language in the classic, laid-back For Dummies style. Taking a relaxed approach to this difficult language, it’s packed with practice dialogues and communication tips that will have you talking the talk in no time. You’ll get the scoop on:

* The Arabic alphabet, pronunciation, basic grammar, and the rules of transliteration
* The history of the language and information on classical Arabic and its dialects
* How to make small talk and make yourself understood when dining, shopping, or traveling around town
* How to communicate on the phone and in business conversations
* Handy words and phrases for dealing with money, directions, hotels, transportation, and emergencies
* Arabic culture and etiquette, including ten things you should never do in Arabic countries The book also includes an Arabic-English dictionary, verb tables, and an audio CD with dialogues from the book to help you perfect your pronunciation. Written by a native Arabic speaker who helped start a year-round Arabic department at Middlebury College, Arabic For Dummies is just what you need to start making yourself understood in Arabic.

Find it cheap on Amazon

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I got de audio cd. Very good sound quality. Perfect for practicing listening and pronunciation.


I got now the ebook too and it is perfect whith the audio. The book had to include the dialgues in arabic letters, not only in transliterated, but if you know arabic, it is pretty good.
Thank you for posting!