A dictionary of arabic verb conjugation
Category: Arabic - Arabic, Arabic Dictionary, Arabic Grammar, Beginners, Intermediate, Standard Arabic
28 Aug 11

A dictionary of Arabic verb conjugation

“This book is a useful work of reference, if only because of its unusual degree of detail and comprehensiveness, combined with clarity of layout… The book should find a place in the reference section of the library in any institution in which Arabic is taught.Author: DR. GEORGE M. ABDUL-MASSIH Pages:600 / Language: Arabic Only
Shared By Paloma
![[download al3arabiya Arabic]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_SYandHDvpd4/SdKATiI8d9I/AAAAAAAAABs/JCe_7JjRfVE/s1600/download.png)
![[download al3arabiya Arabic]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_SYandHDvpd4/SdKATiI8d9I/AAAAAAAAABs/JCe_7JjRfVE/s1600/download.png)
Thanks, 329. I tried to convert into DJVU with the file before this (Advanced Arabic-Spanish Dictionary Herder), but I couldn’t. If you can or if you know to do it, please me and people will thank you. Thanks.
Too big. I have converted it into DJVU format and resized it to 52 MB. You just have to wait for me to upload it to some of the servers.
Here it is :
Thanks to “329” we appreciate your job , I added your link to the post
Shukran !!!
I use “Pdf To Djvu GUI”
For Windows:
For Linux:
I convert only big files. It can take more than 1 hour for converting just one book. But, it usaually saves spaces (not always) and the files open faster. The quality can be somewhat lower. I must warn you that I couldn’t convert files with comments and bookmarks.
I use “Pdf To Djvu GUI”
For Windows:
For Linux:
I convert only big files. It can take more than 1 hour for converting just one book. But, it usually saves spaces (not always) and the files open faster. The quality can be somewhat lower.
I must warn you that I couldn’t convert files with comments and bookmarks.
Thanks, 329, for your information. I will try to convert the file like your indications.
Estimada Paloma,
Muchas gracias por tu excelente trabajo y aporte!
Tanks for this good book. I am a arabic man from Tunisia and it is really very useful for me. chokran
De nada.
You’re welcome.
Here is a link to the same book, DJVU, 25 MB, much better quality than in 52 MB version:
this is a new link to this book. is in pdf.