A dictionary of the Persian and Arabic languages

A dictionary of the Persian and Arabic languages
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SYandHDvpd4/SpPwyIpSBfI/AAAAAAAAA0g/EwZBenDA0HA/s400/info.jpgWhen I fast cutered this Work, I intended to confine myself to the Compilation of a Dictionary of the. Persian Language: but, reflecting that there is no, Persian, Author of eminence) in whose writings Arabic words do not occur in almost every line, I early foresails that tits, result of my labours would be very imperfect, and fall far short of the attainment of that claim to Utility to which I aspired, unless the work should also include a vocabulary of the Arabic tongue which I aspired,’ unless the Work should- also include a vocabulary of the Arabic tongue.Author: Joseph Barretto Junior / Publisher: India Gazette Press
pages: 590 / Pdf , DJVU / Size: 46 MB 

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