A handbook of modern Arabic: consisting of a practical grammar
Category: Arabic Grammar
29 Jan 10
A handbook of modern Arabic: consisting of a practical grammar, with numerous examples, diagloues, and newspaper extracts; in a European type (1866)
ARABIC is talked differently in Algiers, in Malta, in Egypt, in Syria, in Bagdad, and among the Arabs of ethe des*rt. Nowhere 1 is the Arabic of the Koran and of poetry spoken. The difference of the old and new is similar in many respects to that between the Greek of Homer and the Greek dialects at the time of Xenophon. No modern can without pedantry and absurdity speak in the older dialect. “When he composes poetry, he may write as Hariri, if he can ; just as an Athenian or Alexandrian, if he chose to adopt dactylic hexameters, might use the dialect of Homer. When tho Arab now writes pross…
ARABIC is talked differently in Algiers, in Malta, in Egypt, in Syria, in Bagdad, and among the Arabs of ethe des*rt. Nowhere 1 is the Arabic of the Koran and of poetry spoken. The difference of the old and new is similar in many respects to that between the Greek of Homer and the Greek dialects at the time of Xenophon. No modern can without pedantry and absurdity speak in the older dialect. “When he composes poetry, he may write as Hariri, if he can ; just as an Athenian or Alexandrian, if he chose to adopt dactylic hexameters, might use the dialect of Homer. When tho Arab now writes pross…
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