Ajrumiyyah Collection English Arabic مجموعة كتب الآجُرُّومِيَّة

Ajrumiyyah Collection English Arabic
مجموعة كتب الآجُرُّومِيَّة
The Ajrumiyyah, according to Carter, is the quintessence of Arabic grammar, its status is
largely unchallenged as an excellent introduction to this first field of learning, which every
scholar must master before delving into other Arabic literature. hence, we find much attention
has been paid to it amongst Arab scholars over a considerable period of time. The text, now
over seven centuries old, saw a major commentary compiled by ash-Shirbini, only two
centuries after, yet even as recently as four decades ago, the Director of the College of
Language at al-Azhar wrote his commentary
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متن الآجرومية – من موقع: جامع شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية و غيره
متن الآجرومية في جداول ولوحات ( إعدادُ: أبي عِمران المكسيكي ) + مختصر صغير جداً للآجرومية
تيسير التحفة السنية
المنظومة المختصرة في النحو
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