Arabic for Beginners: International edition
Category: Arabic - English, Arabic E-book, Arabic Writing, Beginners
8 Jul 10
Arabic for Beginners: International edition (2008)
اللغــة العــربية للمــبـتـدئيــن
اللغــة العــربية للمــبـتـدئيــن
Now completely revised and updated, this popular guide to the Arabic language has been a valuable resource for students for many years. In Arabic and Roman script, the book includes a guide to writing in Arabic, model sentences and vocabulary, explanations of irregular forms, and illustrations from the prose and poetry of eminent Arabic writers.
Author: ALI, SYED R. / Publication 2008 / pages: 240 /
Uploaded By MasteringArabic
A lot of examples and texts in arabic with translation. It is very complete and you can advance very fast. A lot of vocabulary.
I miss the text of the final part does not have translation.
But it is a very good book, for beginers and intermediate.