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A Frequency Dictionary of Arabic

    A Frequency Dictionary of Arabic:  Core Vocabulary for Learners   A Frequency Dictionary of Arabic is an invaluable tool for all learners of Arabic, providing a list of the 5,000 most frequently used words in

Diccionario Arabe-Espanol – قـاموس عربي اسبـاني

    Diccionario Arabe-Espanol – قــاموس عربي اسبــاني Soliman, Ola Abdel Hamid. علا عبد الحميد سليمان This dictionary is a monolingual dictionary intended for speakers of the Spanish language. It is a useful tool for Spanish students

Al Mawrid (Arabic-Spanish Dictionary)

    Al Mawrid (Arabic-Spanish Dictionary)    المورد قــاموس عـربي اسـبــاني Built on Al-Mawrid Arabic-English Dictionary, a group of specialists in Arabic and Spanish as well as English worked on the preparation of this dictionary. The same methodology

Arabic-English dictionary of Qur’anic usage

    Arabic-English dictionary of Qur’anic usage The Qur’an is the living source of all Islamic teaching, and is of singular importance to those interested in Islam and the study of religions. Despite this, there exists a

Учебник арабского языка اللغة العربية

Textbook Arabic اللغة العربية Author: V. Chagall / Publisher: Military Publishing Date: 1983 / Format: Pdf – Djvu / Pages : 781   An Arabic Textbook designed to teach the Arabic pronunciation and oral communication skills, learn