Author Archive
A practical grammar of the Arabic language with interlineal reading lessons

A practical grammar of the Arabic language : with inter-lineal reading lessons, dialogues and vocabulary (1891) The little Arabic Grammar by Faris Al-Shidiac has met with considerable success, the whole of the former edition having been for
5 Aug 09
CategoryArabic - English, Arabic Dialect, Arabic Eastern, Arabic Grammar, Egyptian Arabic
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Arabian Wisdom: Selections and translations from the Arabic

Arabian wisdom : selections and translations from the Arabic THE wise sayings and proverbs of ancient and modern times, and in all the languages I know or to which I had access in translations, have always had
Arabic Reading Lessons: Consisting of Easy Extracts from the Best Authors

Arabic Reading Lessons: Consisting of Easy Extracts from the Best Authors, together with a vocabulary of all the words occurring in the text also some explanatory annotations etc . There is no occasion to say much in
5 Aug 09
CategoryAdvanced, Arabic - English, Beginners, Intermediate, Standard Arabic
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English-Arabic proverbs امثال انجليزية-عربية

English-Arabic proverbs امثال انجليزية -عربية Arabic Proverbs translated in English & English proverbs translated in Arabic Proverbs are short sayings but they contain a powerful message they will give u wisdom if you hold on to them
learn and be excellent at English

< كتاب لتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية من البداية إلى الإتقان كتاب يشمل الجزأين معا و مقسم الى عدة مستويات وفيه كل كل ما تحتاحه لتتعلم و تتقن الانجليزيبة من الابجدية والمحادثات و قواعد اللغة الانجليزية الضرورية