Author Archive

Colloquial Arabic : The vernacular speech of Egypt, Syria

Colloquial Arabic; with notes on the vernacular speech of Egypt, Syria, and Mesopotamia, and an appendix on the local characteristics of Algerian dialect This manual aims at providing an easy guide to the colloquial Arabic of Egypt,

Arabic manual, a colloquial handbook in the Syrian dialect

A colloquial handbook in the Syrian dialect دليل للهجة العامية السورية باللغة الانجليزية, طبعة 1901 Arabic manual, a colloquial handbook in the Syrian dialect for the use of visitors to Syria and Palestine, containing a simplified grammar,

A brief journey through Arabic Grammar

A brief journey through Arabic Grammar 1. Subject and Predicate 2. Masculine and Feminine Genders 3. Numbers: Singular, Dual, and Plural 4. Adjective and its Noun 5. The Possessive Case or Genitive 6. Interrogatives 7. Pronouns 8.

Grammar in The Holly Quran (النحو في ظلال القرآن الكريم) Arabic

Grammar in The Holly Quran (النحو في ظلال القرآن الكريم) Arabic عزيزة يونس بشير – النحو في ظلال القرآن الكريم PDF | 271 pages | 6 MB |Language: Arabic | 1998

The Foreign Vocabulary of the Quran (Texts and Studies on the Quran)

The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qur’an (Texts and Studies on the Quran) Republication of Arthur Jefferys important study, The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qurn, offers a new generation of scholars and students access to this foundational text.