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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة أقدم لكم اليوم موضوع بسيط ومهم لمستخدمي الفيستا وهو ظهور اللغة العربية على شكل استفهامات مثل الصورة التالي لحل المشكلة اتبع الشرح التاليTo solve this problem follow these
Display Arabic font on windows xp

If you already have XP cd click here Display Aarabic font on ( windows xp ) على سطح المكتب XPArabic أولا قم بتحميل ملف الخطوط العربية الملف First you need to download the font files watch the
Madinah Arabic Books

Madinah Arabic Books + Audio + Video Madinah Arabic university الجامعة الاسلامية في المدينة المنورة Arabic Course for English-Speaking students دروس اللغة العربية The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the
5 May 09
CategoryAdvanced, Arabic - Arabic, Arabic - English, Arabic - Francais, Arabic Grammar, Audio Arabic, Beginners, Intermediate, Quranic Arabic, Standard Arabic, Video
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“Hurooful jar” are called genitive prepositions حروف الجر

“Hurooful jar” are called genitive prepositions حروف الجر In the English language “Hurooful jar” are called genitive prepositions, but we’ll call them “pulling letters” just to make things easy. Pulling letters come in front of a noun
26 Apr 09
CategoryArabic E-book, Arabic Grammar, Beginners, Children Books, Standard Arabic
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Work-sheets for writing the Arabic Alphabet

Work-sheets for writing the Arabic Alphabet These are some Arabic work sheets to help you practice Arabic writing, very useful for beginners and kids, Print them off and have your child trace the letters. and have them write
22 Apr 09
CategoryArabic - English, Arabic Writing, Beginners, Children Books, Standard Arabic
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