Contemporary Arabic Reader Newspaper Arabic
Category: Advanced, Arabic - English, Audio Arabic, Beginners, Intermediate
23 Dec 10

Contemporary Arabic Reader Newspaper Arabic
Volulme. I –McCarus/Yacoub
The first in a series of five readers, this volume is on an advanced-elementary/lower-intermediate level and assumes a knowledge of basic arabic as covered in ferguson and ani’s “lessons in contemporary arabic, 1-8,” center for applied linguistics, washington, d.c., 1960. the 20 lessons (1-15 are news reports and 16-20 are prose selections) are implemented with classroom exercises and drills and designed to introduce the student to the language of the modern arabic press. A special feature is the inclusion of preparatory sentences which precede the lesson material, introducing new vocabulary in contextual sentences resembling those in the actual readings. The appended vocabulary, arranged by root, contains approximately 1,750 entries. this series is published by the university of michigan press, 615 east university street, ann arbor, michigan 48106. (am)
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