Fundamentals of Classical Arabic Vol 1EN-AR-BS
Category: Arabic - English, Arabic Grammar, Audio Arabic, Standard Arabic
17 Jan 10

Fundamentals of Classical Arabic Volume 1( Audio Book )
Osnovi klasičnog arapskog jezika I
Conjugating Regular Verbs and Derived Nouns
The Fundamentals of Classical Arabic is based on a series of books that help students learn the difficult subject of Arabic verb conjugation and grammar. This classroom, based on volume one of the book series, provides a framework for studying the Arabic language, introduces Arabic word patterns, and covers the essentials of conjugating common verb and noun forms. The text of each chapter is provided in PDF format and the accompanying audio is available for online streaming or download.
Zipped PDF+MP3 (9MB) :
I am deeply amazed as thankfull because of tis so great effort of Yours in propagating the Holly Quram as the Arabic Language.
I am not young anymore, far from it, but I have this hope of to yet have time to read the Holly Quran in Arabic. Far from me to suspect about your so magnificent translations but, as all of You know, there is a special taste when the Sacred is read in the original language.
Always Yours
Thank You a Lot, from Sweden