Get By In Arabic ( Audio Book )



BBC: Get By In Arabic ( Audio Book )

Useful set which teaches Colloquial Egyptian for use by tourists or businesspersons (limited though). Set out clearly, with vocabulary lists and exercises to complete.
Recordings are of native speakers.
2 cassettes have been ripped to 192 kbs mp3 and are labelled 1a, 1b etc. Quality is quite clear and easy to follow.

Book ripped to PDF, 49 pages.


Uploaded By  MasteringArabic

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The file on the link to Audio 2 is the same as Audio 1.
Could you check it?
Or if you have the audio file, would you please reupload it?

Shukran jazeelan for your great post! 🙂

Ohh I am so sorry about that, I will ask the original uploader if he still has that audio 2.
Thx for reporting.


It’s okay, winlin.
And I found the missing audio at last. 🙂
Let me know if there’s a problem with the archive.
(And sorry it’s been quite some time. )

126.37 MB
Two files inside
5% Recovery record

Thank you ,
this link didnt work, but we have added new links of audio 2
thanks for replying