Lexique Arabe dialectal Egyptien Francais


Lexique Arabe dialectal Egyptien Francais

Dictionary Egyptian Arabic/French and French/Egyptian Arabic, with a list of contemporary expressions. Arranged by radicals, but also has a alphabetical list of words where the radicals may be difficult to find.

A very solid piece of work, which I found strolling along some uncharted paths of the Internet wilderness, just enjoying the view. I picked it up, put it in my pocket, and only took it out days later, to see that this really is a gem. Don’t know quite where I found it, and the authors forgot to sign it.

It is evidently a relative recent work. If someone knows the name of the authors, please let us know, they do deserve credit.

Ce lexique est consacre a l’arabe dialectale du Caire, qui est vehicule dans tout le monde arabe par les chansons, le cinema, la radio et la television. Il s’adresse a un public amoureux du culture en general, et de l’Egypte en particulier, suffisamment motive pour avoir fait l’effort de s’initier a l’ecriture arabe et soucieux de ne pas se laisser derouter par l’extreme permeabilite de la cloison – si cloison il y a – qui separe le dialectal du litteral.”

Number of pages: 559  Format: RAR/PDF  Size: 6.2 MB

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