Modern Written Arabic 3 Volumes
Author: Harlie L. Smith Junior
This text was prepared for use in the Foreign Service Institute programs of instruction for members of the United States Foreign Service and is intended to be used with the help of a native-speaking Arabic instructor and with tape recordings. Instruction in modern written Arabic is planned in three stages: (1) prepared materials allow the student to gain recognitional mastery of a basic vocabulary and of basic morphological and syntactic patterns; (2) students read unprepared materials such as newspapers; and (3) the use of anthologies, books, and periodicals is recommended. Each of the 32 lessons of this volume is divided into sections on basic sentences, supplementary sentences, drills, notes, and vocabulary. Prior to beginning this volume, the student is expected to have learned the Arabic writing system and have a reasonably accurate pronunciation. Familiarity with the principles of syllabification and stress, pausal and nonpausal forms, and the transcription system utilized in the notes and vocabulary are also presupposed. A vocabulary list is provided.
1969 |pages: 434 | pdf very good quality | Size: 9,71MB
Modern Written Arabic Volume 2
Author: A. Nashat Naja, James A Snow
This second volume of Modern Written Arabic builds on the previous volume and is the second step designed to teach members of the Foreign Service to read the modern Arabic press. The student will gain recognitional mastery of an extensive set of vocabulary items and will be more intensively exposed to wider and more complex morphological and syntactic patterns. In lessons 33-48, a series of supplementary sentences are presented to provide repetition and review of vocabulary and grammatical constructions. Longer reading selections and a handwriting section for each lesson are also provided. In lesson 33-50 the printed texts of the handwriting selections are provided for comparison, and after lessons 40, 48, 56, and 64, extensive review sections are provided. In each lesson various grammatical features are introduced in the text. A section of grammar follows the tests and indicates the most important grammatical constructions. The following sections of vocabulary are included: words you can recognize, Arabic proper names, new vocabulary, idioms and expressions, and derivations. (SW)
Pages: 399| pdf – very good quality |Size: 16,7MB
Modern Written Arabic Volume 3
This third and final volume builds on the previous two volumes prepared for use in the Foreign Service Institute programs of Arabic instruction for members of the United States Foreign Service and is intended to be used with the help of a native-speaking Arabic instructor and with tape recordings. This volume is intended to provide recognitional mastery of many additional vocabulary items and more extensive exposure to complex morphological and syntactic patterns as well as to a wide range of sophisticated Arabic prose styles. Each lesson presents several selections based on Arabic newspaper materials followed by a word list including new idioms and expressions as well as vocabulary items. It also presents derivations of common root forms to help the student decipher meanings using knowledge already gained. It is assumed that students can already read live newspaper material as a result of Volume II and this volume will help them read increasingly sophisticated prose with greater independence.
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