The Way to Arabic الطريق إلى العربية

The Way to Arabic الطريق إلى العربية
Arabic language books for all levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The goal of this series is to teach Arabic language to non-native, by guiding students to master fundamental skills of Arabic ( listening, speaking, reading, writing and expressing … ) .

This series  target all ages an levels for that it was divided into 5 different books to fill-full the need of all students,  starting from the basic Arabic to advanced level.

Size : 103 MB   | Format: PDF | LanguageArabic | Publisher: Fanar Center

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The text was written all in Arabic? it is hard to study. but maybe can serve as a reading material after basic arabic study.


Please, where can I find the listening material for these books?

Paul Washington

Ahlan! I would like to order an actual copy of the book, ‘The way to Arabic’. How can I do this?