Unified Medical Dictionary English-French-Arabic


Unified Medical Dictionary / Dictionnaire Médical Unifié
القاموس الطبي الموحد
[UNIFIED+MEDICAL+DICTIONARY2.jpg]Operating system: PC Windows Languages: English / Arabic / French Size: 195.rar/ MB
Format: Searchable CD-ROM
Publisher Information: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 2005اكبر قاموس طبي لكل التخصصات الطبية (طب بشري – بيطري – صيدلة – أسنان – تمريض ) مدعم بكم هائل من الصور والمفاجاة الكبرى انه من منظمة الصحة العالمية ويمكنك الترجمة بين ثلاث لغات (العربية والانجليزية والفرنسية )

The Unified Medical Dictionary (UMD) is a Multilingual Medical Dictionary, which was originally compiled in the late 1960s and early 1970s on response to a recommendation of the Arab Medical Union. Subsequently, two further editions were issued, the last of which (UMD third edition, 1983) included French terms.
The Council of Arab Health Ministers then asked WHO/EMRO to update the previous edition. An editorial committee of experts was set up with Dr M.H. Khayat as the rapporteur to further verify and enrich the Unified Medical Dictionary on a regular basis. In the late 1980s Dr Khayat took the initiative to prepare a fourth comprehensive edition covering the widest range possible of medical terminology to be made available for users.Read more

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