Учебник арабского языка Arabic – Russian TextBook

Учебник арабского языка | MSA Arabic Textbook for Russian
كتاب تعليم اللغة العربية الفصحى للمتحدثين بالروسية
The textbook is based on the material of the modern Arabic literary language and is intended for students of philological faculties of universities and educational institutions. The material in this textbook is gradual from simple to complex. The textbook is designed for active learners to master Arabic literary language. It sets out the literary norms of the Arab pronunciation of sounds and letters in Arabic script rules, grammar rules, covering all the major phenomena of morphology and syntax of the Arabic language. In the book about 3000 most common words presented in the lesson disconnected and connected texts, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, dialogues, and in the attached text. At the end of the dictionary are: “Arabic-Russian” and “Russian-Arabic.”
Inside book “click to enlarge the picture”
Pages: 656 | Format : PDF | Size : 16 МB | Language : Arabic – RussianUploaded by MasteringArabic
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