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Defense Language Institute Foreign Language … Part 2 and 3

PART 2 & 3 OF DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER ‘ARABIC BASIC COURSE‘. 1. It contains a package of 20 volumes of books (notes) of over 250 pages each with audio.   and 9 sets of hand-outs


ARABIC SOUND AND SCRIPT DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER  PART 1 LESSONS 1 – 10 / September 1976 The Purpose of the Modern Standard Arabic Course This course in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is designed primarily to

مجلة ناشيونال جيوجرافيك National Geographic Magazine Arabic

مجلة ناشيونال جيوجرافيك National Geographic Magazine تُـصدِر دار النشر المصرية النسخة العربية من مجلة ناشيونال جيوجرافيك الامريكية للشباب التي تترجم الى 32 لغة. بدأت أنشطتها عام 1888 اصداراتها تتميز بالدقة العلمية والمتعة وبث روح المغامرة والاكتشاف. واعتباراً

At Tibyan – Easy Way to Quranic Reading

    At Tibyan – Easy Way to Quranic Reading All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe, and peace and blessings of Allah be upon His messenger Muhammad, his household and his companions. ^

Tales From Kalila Wa Dimna حكايات كليلة ودمنة

Tales From Kalila Wa Dimna حِــكايات كليلة و دمـنـة لطلاب اللغة العربية Spoken Language Services, Inc. announces the publication of Tales from Kalila wa Dimna for Students of Arabic by Munther A. Younes. This is an expanded