Author Archive

Gramática Arabe ( Audio Book )

Gramática Arabe  F .Corriente Herder Para iniciarse en árabe parace más indicado un método de la lengua clásica, no meramente teórico, sino también práctico, aunque sin llegar al extremo de presentar diálogos en dicha lengua, puesto que

18 colored vowelled Arabic stories for Kids from kalila wa dimnah

Kalila wa Dimnah كليلة و دمنة [Arabic]  18 coloured picture vowelled wisdom َArabic stories for children ثماني عشرة قصة للاطفال ملونة و مُشــَكْــلـَة من قصص كليلة ودمنة   Stories include 1. In serving a lion فى خدمة

Arabic Language Correspondence Course book and audio‏

Arabic Language Correspondence Course AUDIO BOOK by Syed Iqbal Zaheer Earnest Renan (1823-1894) carried out an extensive research on Semitic languages. He wrote a book on their vocabularies in which he had the following to write about

Краткиий русско-арабскиий разговорник [Russian – Arabic Phrasebook]

Краткиий русско-арабскиий разговорник (сирийский и египетский диалекты) A short Russian-Arabic phrase book (Syrian and Egyptian dialects) Author: Е. А. ЧУХЛАНЦЕВ, Н. А. МАЙБУРОВ Publisher: ВОЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО МИНИСТЕРСТВА ОБОРОНЫ СССР   A short Russian-Arabic Phrase Book” (Egyptian and

Get By In Arabic ( Audio Book )

  BBC: Get By In Arabic ( Audio Book ) Useful set which teaches Colloquial Egyptian for use by tourists or businesspersons (limited though). Set out clearly, with vocabulary lists and exercises to complete. Recordings are of native