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Arabic in 10 minutes a day

Arabic in 10 minutes a day Whether you’re planning a trip to Morocco, Egypt, or any of the 25 exotic countries where Arabic is spoken, you’ll want to bring along your language skills and ARABIC in 10

In-Flight Arabic: Learn Before You Land

 In-Flight Arabic: Learn Before You Land MP3 Living Language In-Flight Arabic is the perfect boarding pass to learning Arabic before you land. There’s no better way to make use of all that spare time on a plane

Arabic For Dummies

Arabic For Dummies ( audio book ) Arabic For Dummies presents the language in the classic, laid-back For Dummies style. Taking a relaxed approach to this difficult language, it’s packed with practice dialogues and communication tips that

Holy Quran PDF ( Arabic ) القران الكريم

The complete Quran in Arabic, Madina script. القران الكريم كاملا بالرسم العثماني PDF | Arabic | 4.17mb | 569 pages

Arabic Tutor: Tas-heel al-Adab Fi Lisan al-‘Arab

Arabic Tutor Series 4 parts Tas-heel al-Adab Fi Lisan al-‘Arab تسهيل الأدب في لسان العرب AKA ‘Arbi Ka Mu’allim An excellent series for learning the Arabic Language – split into 4 volumes. It is always recommended to