Author Archive

Temas de Árabe Moderno

Temas de Árabe Moderno No se trata, con estos temas, de enseñar la lengua árabe ni quiero presumir de ser persona idónea para tan delicado magisterio. Existen infinidad de gramáticas, de crestomatias, de diccionarios, mucho más valiosos

Manuel d’arabe algerien moderne [Audio Book]

Manuel d’arabe Algerien moderne Audio Book Tapiero-Busine /Klincksieck / 2002 / mp3 / 123 MB Le manuel d’arabe algérien moderne est organisé en 30 leçons comportant chacune – hormis les 3 premières qui servent d’introduction – texte, vocabulaire,

A Dictionary of Juba Arabic and English

A Dictionary of Juba Arabic and English Author: Smith, Ian; Ama, Morris Timothy Publisher: The Committee of the Juba Chesire Home and Centre for Handicapped Children 1985 / pages: 229 / PDF / 14.1,2MB Though not claiming

Lexique Arabe dialectal Egyptien Francais

Lexique Arabe dialectal Egyptien Francais Dictionary Egyptian Arabic/French and French/Egyptian Arabic, with a list of contemporary expressions. Arranged by radicals, but also has a alphabetical list of words where the radicals may be difficult to find. A

Basic Gulf Arabic: Base on Colloquial Abu Dhabi Arabic

A Basic Gulf Arabic: Base on Colloquial Abu Dhabi Arabic دروس في تعلم العربية المحكية في الخليج العربي This volume, developed for an introductory course in Gulf Arabic, utilizes the dialect of Abu Dhabi, a leading member of