Author Archive

Spoken Arabic (Saudi)

      Spoken Arabic (Saudi) [Transliteration only]  This course is originally prepared by the linguists of Aramco’s Training Department for use at the Foreign Service Training Center which was first located at River-head, Long Island… The arabic

A dictionary of arabic verb conjugation

    A dictionary of Arabic verb conjugation This is a comprehensive compendium of verb paradigms, including over 20,000 Arabic verbs organized by root. The dictionary also features a cross-reference to 145 paradigm tables covering conjugation of model verbs

A Descriptive Grammar of Sa3i:di Egyptian Colloquial Arabic

    A Descriptive Grammar of Sa3i:di Egyptian Colloquial Arabic كتاب تعلم اللهجة الصعيدية (المصرية) لغير العرب This study presents the first descriptive analisis of the structure of saidi صعيدي, the varity of  Egyptian Arabic spoken by the

Diccionario arabe-espanol avanzado

    Diccionario avanzado árabe قاموس عربي – اسباني مٌوَسَّع Advanced Arabic-Spanish Dictionary Herder‏ Este diccionario recoge el fruto de mas de decadas de experiencia docente e investigadora de su autor, catedratico de Estudios Arabes e Islamicos

Cours d’Arabe Parle Palestinien Volume 1

    Cours D’Arabe Parle Palestinien Volume 1 . Dialecte de Jérusalem avec des références à d’autres dialectes palestiniens, volume 1 Author: Moin Halloun / Publisher: L’Asiatheque Publication date: 1995Number of pages: 283Format: PDF – scanned ; MP3Size: BOOK