Author Archive

قناة الفجر: أحكام القران رسوم متحركة اسلامية

قنـاة الفجر: رسوم متحركة اسلامية احكام القرآن من قناة الفجر كارتون رائع باللغة العربية الفصحى مناسب للاطفال يشرح احكام القرآن فى اشياء مهمة جدا مثل الكذب , حقوق الوالدين , اكل مال اليتيم , التكبر … كل

International stories for children قصص عالمية للاطفال

International stories for children قصص عــالمـيـة للاطفال  This book contains many international stories for children including: Katika, The Princess and the Hunter, The Silent Beauty, The Island of Peace, The Three Brothers, Joha and the Strange Horse,

Arabic English Translation Collection Childrens Books

أذن سمراء … أذن شقراء= Black ear … blonde ear Author – Khaled Jumm’aIn this story, two groups of cats, the blonde cats and the black cats, live on different sides of the river. They agree that

Advanced Standard Arabic through Authentic Texts

Advanced Standard Arabic through authentic texts and audiovisual materials   اللغة العربية للمراحل المتقدمة من خلال نصوصوموارد سمعية بصرية أصيلة Instructional materials for use in advanced Arabic second language instruction are presented in two separately-bound parts. The first

Arabic grammar of the written language + Key

Arabic grammar of the written language During the last ten years of my teaching of Arabic I have often found that my pupils had received much help from Harder’s Arabic Grammar 1 , and have been asked