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Babel Arabic

Babel Arabic This is an online Arabic course. It teaches you basic sentences, how to write, how to count and introduces Arabic grammar. All with sounds, also Learn about 400 common words in Arabic. All lessons are
An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic

An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic is an elementary-level grammar of standard classical Arabic, the literary norm of the Arabic language that has not changed appreciably in fourteen hundred
9 May 09
CategoryArabic - English, Arabic Grammar, Beginners, Quranic Arabic, Standard Arabic
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Paradigms of Classical and Modern Arabic Verbs

“Paradigms of Classical and Modern Arabic Verbs“ Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman Paradigms of Classical and Modern Arabic Verbs by Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman (B.Sc. DipHE) This book presents 282 tables of Classical and Modern Arabic Verbs. These fully conjugated
9 May 09
CategoryArabic - English, Arabic Grammar, Beginners, Intermediate, Standard Arabic
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Moroccan Arabic: A Competency Based Curriculum

الدارجــة المغربية Moroccan dialect هـيئة السلام بالمغرب by Peace corps Morocco Moroccan Arabic: A Competency Based Curriculum, Beginning & Intermediate Students The textbook in introductory and intermediate Moroccan Arabic is designed for the language and cultural training
Books for children in Arabic كتب عربية للاطفال

Books for children in Arabic كتب عربية للاطفال مجموعة لا بأس بها من الكتب بالعربية للاطفال تدور حول قصص لجحا و الف ليلة و ليلة وغيرها من قصص الاطفال ثم تجدون كتبا عن الصحابة الكبار و المعارك