Arabic Dictionary Archive
A word for word meaning of the Quran

A word for word meaning of the Quran This set places one or a couple of words of the ayah in one line of a column and gives their meanings side by side in another column, taking
8 Mar 15
CategoryArabic - English, Arabic Dictionary, Quranic Arabic, Standard Arabic
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Le Dictionnaire Français-Arabe

Le Dictionnaire Français-Arabe Dictionnaire général, linguistique Technique et scientifique Renferme les termes scientifiques: Medicaux, mathematiques, physiques, chimiques, informatiques et genie general Les arabes furent les premiers à établir un dictionnaire et à se lancer dans le domaine
ACON: The Arabic Verb Conjugator

ACON: The Arabic Verb Conjugator Whether you are a student or a seasoned speaker of Arabic, you are by now aware that Arabic verb conjugation tends to get complicated. With the various conjugation types and paradigms and
4 Jan 15
CategoryArabic - English, Arabic Dictionary, Arabic Grammar, Arabic Softwares
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Sakhr English Arabic Dictionary قاموس انجليزي عربي

Sakhr English Arabic/Arabic English Dictionary 2006-2007 قاموس صخر The Dictionary 2007 انكَليزي عربي – عربي انكَليزيSakhr Dictionary 2007, Saker Software, Special Version, 2006- 2007.برنامج سهل الاستعمال من ميزاته انه يعطيك المعاني الشاملة للكلمة . ضع الكلمة بالانجليزية
Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary with English-Arabic Index

Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary with English-Arabic Index From the familiar to the highly specialized, Oxford-Duden Pictorial Dictionaries offer comprehensive coverage of thousands of objects. They are widely known and valued throughout the world for their clear and