Arabic E-book Archive
Get By In Arabic ( Audio Book )

BBC: Get By In Arabic ( Audio Book ) Useful set which teaches Colloquial Egyptian for use by tourists or businesspersons (limited though). Set out clearly, with vocabulary lists and exercises to complete. Recordings are of native
Учебник арабского языка Arabic – Russian TextBook

Учебник арабского языка | MSA Arabic Textbook for Russian كتاب تعليم اللغة العربية الفصحى للمتحدثين بالروسية The textbook is based on the material of the modern Arabic literary language and is intended for students of philological faculties
Curso de Árabe Ahmed Heikal

Curso de Árabe . Ahmed Heikal El Curso de Árabe del Dr. Ahmed Heikal es un texto escrito por un especialista árabe, buen conocedor del español y de los españoles, así como de sus capacidades lingüísticas y
Arabic-English Lexicon (Dictionary)

Arabic-English Lexicon All 8 volumes (Dictionary) Edward William Lane’s The most scholarly dictionary of the Arabic language available. This work is the product of over thirty years of unrelenting labor. It is a work of such
25 Feb 12
CategoryArabic - English, Arabic Dictionary, Arabic E-book, Arabic Grammar
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Children Stories : Dokdok is a scarecrow…

Dokdok is a scarecrow Dokdok is a scarecrow who can talk and move. His friends are Nouras the Sea gull, Gharab the crow, and Abou Fasada the bird. .. Author: Shawky Hegab Illustrator :Abdel Rahman Nour El Din Language: