Audio Arabic Archive

Arabic Language Correspondence Course book and audio‏

Arabic Language Correspondence Course AUDIO BOOK by Syed Iqbal Zaheer Earnest Renan (1823-1894) carried out an extensive research on Semitic languages. He wrote a book on their vocabularies in which he had the following to write about

Get By In Arabic ( Audio Book )

  BBC: Get By In Arabic ( Audio Book ) Useful set which teaches Colloquial Egyptian for use by tourists or businesspersons (limited though). Set out clearly, with vocabulary lists and exercises to complete. Recordings are of native

SBS Arabic Podcast

    SBS Arabic Podcast This program offers extensive daily coverage of national, homeland and other international news, current affairs and sports through news and news analysis. Programs include correspondents in the Middle East and around Australia.

Spoken Arabic (Saudi)

      Spoken Arabic (Saudi) [Transliteration only]  This course is originally prepared by the linguists of Aramco’s Training Department for use at the Foreign Service Training Center which was first located at River-head, Long Island… The arabic

Cours d’Arabe Parle Palestinien Volume 1

    Cours D’Arabe Parle Palestinien Volume 1 . Dialecte de Jérusalem avec des références à d’autres dialectes palestiniens, volume 1 Author: Moin Halloun / Publisher: L’Asiatheque Publication date: 1995Number of pages: 283Format: PDF – scanned ; MP3Size: BOOK