Author Archive

Attributes Of Allah: Know Your Creator

Attributes of Allah – Know your Creator Allah is the name of the Divine Being Who exists necessarily by Himself, comprising all the Attributes of perfection. Allah is an underived word – it neither has a feminine

Arabic Reader by Chaim Rabin

Arabic Reader by Chaim Rabin This reader is intended as an introduction to modern literary Arabic for those who have already acquired a grounding in the accidence and elementary syntax of the Arabic language. Modern literary Arabic

Le Dictionnaire Français-Arabe

Le Dictionnaire Français-Arabe Dictionnaire général, linguistique Technique et scientifique Renferme les termes scientifiques: Medicaux, mathematiques, physiques, chimiques, informatiques et genie general Les arabes furent les premiers à établir un dictionnaire et à se lancer dans le domaine

ACON: The Arabic Verb Conjugator

ACON: The Arabic Verb Conjugator Whether you are a student or a seasoned speaker of Arabic, you are by now aware that Arabic verb conjugation tends to get complicated. With the various conjugation types and paradigms and

القراءة الراشدة لتعليم اللغة العربية والثقافة الإسلامية

القراءة الراشدة لتعليم اللغة العربية والثقافة الإسلامية Al-qiraa rashida li-ta”leem allughah al-arabiya wa thaqafah al-islamiya by Shaykh Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi This book contains material in a variety of literature and language subjects presented in a gradual manner