Egyptian Arabic Archive

An Arabic-English Vocabulary for the Use of English Students of Modern Egyptian Arabic

  An Arabic-English Vocabulary for the Use of English Students of Modern Egyptian Arabic  professional attempt to furnish him with a concise abridgment a coherent synopsis, of the vocabulary which is daily used by native officials of

A practical grammar of the Arabic language with interlineal reading lessons

A practical grammar of the Arabic language : with inter-lineal reading lessons, dialogues and vocabulary (1891) The little Arabic Grammar by Faris Al-Shidiac has met with considerable success, the whole of the former edition having been for

Arabic proverbs:The manners and customs of the modern Egyptians

Arabic proverbs; or, The manners and customs of the modern Egyptians Many of the proverbial sayings translated in this volume, were collected by شرف الدين ابن أسد a native of Cairo, who lived, it is said, early

English-Arabic vocabulary for the use of officials in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan

English-Arabic vocabulary for the use of officials in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Comp. in the Intelligence department of the Egyptian army,by Captain H.F.S. Amery This Vocabulary has been compiled primarily for the use of British Officers and Oflicials

An Arabic-English vocabulary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt

قامـوس اللـهـجة العامية المـصرية -عربي إنجـلـيـزي – سقـراط سبـيـرو An Arabic English Dictionary of The Colloquial Arabic of Egypt An Arabic-English vocabulary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt, containing the vernacular idioms and expressions, slang phrases, etc.,